Welcome to the House of Hope website, and thank you for taking a few minutes to learn about our programs. 

Regardless of the degree to which substance use disorder has affected your life, I realize that the decision to continue to walk the recovery path has its challenges and that you are not alone. 

House of Hope has been assisting individuals toward life-changing recovery for more than 50 years. We understand the devastating impact of the disease – not only on the afflicted individual, but on friends, family members, and other loved ones. We are committed to providing the highest quality of care to those who choose to continue to build a recovery program. 

I am proud to lead a team of talented and dedicated professionals who possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise. I am even more proud of the degree to which these professionals are focused on providing guidance and counsel in an atmosphere of dignity and respect. 

Thank you for your interest in the House of Hope. Should you want to learn more about our programs and how they can meet your needs or the needs of someone you love, please feel free to call us at your convenience at (507)-625-4373.


Mark Johnson


House of Hope, Inc